Innocence of Muslims, sebelumnya berjudul Innocence of Bn Laden (judul produksi: Desert Warrior, judul di internet: The Real Life of Muhammad and Muhammad Movie Trailer) adalah sebuah film Amerika Serikat beranggaran rendah tahun 2012 yang bertemakan anti-Islam. Film ini diproduseri oleh seorang penganut Koptik bernama Nakoula Basseley Nakoula. Sebulan setelah pemutaran perdananya (sekaligus satu-satunya) di Vine Theatre, Hollywood, dua trailer film diunggah ke YouTube pada bulan Juli 2012. Trailer film ini di alih-suarakan ke dalam bahasa Arab, dan kemudian disebarkan oleh seorang blogger Koptik keturunan Mesir-Amerika bernama Morris Sadek.
Pada tanggal 8 September 2012, cuplikan sepanjang dua menit dari film ini ditayangkan di Al-Nas TV, sebuah stasiun televisi Islami di Mesir. Protes keras, diduga atas penayangan film ini, pecah pada tanggal 11 September 2012, bertepatan dengan peringatan 11 tahun serangan 11 September 2001. Protes ini kemudian menyebar ke Libya, Yaman dan negara-negara Arab lainnya selama hari-hari berikutnya, termasuk serangan terhadap Konsulat Amerika Serikat di Benghazi, Libya, yang menewaskan 14 orang, termasuk Duta Besar Amerika Serikat, Christopher Stevens, dan tiga warga AS lainnya. Film ini juga telah memicu berbagai aksi protes di seluruh dunia.
Berikut versi Wikipedia Berbahasa Inggris:
Innocence of Muslims, previously called Innocence of Bn Laden (working title Desert Warrior), is an anti-Islamic film, excerpts of which were posted on YouTube.
According to one of the consultants to the film, it was a full-length
feature film that was shown only once to the public—to an audience of
about ten people at a rented theater in Hollywood, California. The film was allegedly produced by Nakoula Basseley Nakoula, a Coptic Christian.
Film trailers or excerpts of about 14 minutes in length were uploaded to YouTube in July 2012,[8] with the titles The Real Life of Muhammad, and Muhammad Movie Trailer. Trailers dubbed in the Arabic language were uploaded in early September 2012 and spread by Egyptian-American blogger and Coptic Christian Morris Sadek. On September 8, 2012, an excerpt of the YouTube video was broadcast on Al-Nas TV, an Egyptian Islamist television station, previously suspended for “promoting religious or sectarian hatred.”
Violent protests against the film broke out on September 11 in Egypt
and Libya. The protests spread to Yemen and other Arab and Muslim
nations over the following days and included attacks on U.S. consulates and embassies. A military-style attack on September 11, 2012 on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya that resulted in the deaths of U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens
and three other Americans, may not have been a spontaneous protest due
to the film, but rather may have been planned in advance, according the
U.S. and Libyan officials.
Sumber: wikipedia 18-9-2012
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